Latest Past Events

Annual Main Course in combination with the Dhagpo Team

Bodhi Path Renchen-Ulm, Allemagne

It is with great joy that we announce the annual main course with Lama Jigme Rinpoche! Rinpoche’s exceptional teachings connect us with the profound Buddha Dharma and because of Rinpoche’s longtime experience of the modern life style in the West he knows how to facilitate the approach for us. His warm-hearted way to grant access […]

Study and Meditation – Curriculum Chenrezik Cycle – Year 6: Course 3

Dhagpo Kagyu Ling, France

This meditation and study course developed by Shamar Rinpoche has been guided by Lama Jigme Rinpoche for five years.It is intended for all those who wish to deepen their practice and allows them to progressively acquire the necessary foundations to train in Chenrezik meditation and, in time, to actualize it.The cycle is spread over three […]

Clarity and Compassion – Study and Meditation Retreat

Dhagpo Kagyu Ling, France

The Buddha laid out a path that allows us to clarify our minds in order to become freer in our choices. Based on observation of our situation, we become aware of our inner wealth and all that hinders it. By relying on the explanations that we have received, we cultivate the quality of presence to […]